【母亲节快乐】Robin Spielberg -1999- Motherhood(给母亲!)【APE+CUE/BD】

Album Details
Title: Mother: Celebration of Mothers & Motherhood
Artist: Susan McKeown
Label: North Star
Released: March 23, 1999
Genre: World
Length: 52:24

本专辑是以音乐创作去传达对母亲的致意,令每一位听者得到共鸣,音乐包括有钢琴独奏,传统的凯尔特民乐:独唱 重唱。音色甜美,有轻快的圆舞节奏,有醉人的Piano Solo.相当不错。而最吸引的地方,是她们所写的歌词,道出她们的母亲和自己身为人母到感受,将昔日与母亲生活的点点滴滴一同与听众分享。

1. Mother of Mine
2. Rock Me to Sleep, Mother
3. Walk With Me
4. Pheata Beag Do Mháthar
5. Ancient Mother
6. Jennie's Song
7. Circle of Life
8. Grandma's Song
9. Mother's Celebration ----------------试听
10. Real Pretty Mama
11. Seothín Seo Hó
12. Buíochas/Thanks
13. Song for Jennie (We're Almost There)
14. Baby's Lullaby



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