回复: 卡彭特乐队The Carpenters - Love Songs (1997) FLAC分轨/百度...


兄妹二重唱组合The Carpenters是七十年代最成功的流行音乐组合之一,他们在八十年代初结束演艺生涯前创作了无数好歌。The Carpenters的成员是哥哥Richard Carpenter和妹妹 Karen Carpenter,他们分别于1946年和1950年出生于康涅狄格洲的New Haven。还在上高中时,兄妹俩就开始了乐器演奏。

Carpenter一家于六十年代初移居洛杉矶,1966年Richard,Karen和他们的好朋友Wes Jacobs赢得了当地一个演唱比赛的大奖并引起了RCA唱片公司的注意。不幸的是他们的第一盒样带并不成功。1968年兄妹俩决定成立一个兄妹组合,专门演唱流行摇滚歌曲。一盒新的样带帮助他们两赢得了A&M唱片公司的合同并迅速发行了The Carpenters的第一张专辑“Offering”。1970年The Carpenters出版了专辑“Close to You”,专辑中电影“Bacharach-David”的主题曲获得了排行榜的冠军。整个七十年代早期,The Carpenters一支在不停的成长,慢慢成为了全世界最负盛名的流行音乐组合,录制了无数排行榜金曲,象:"Rainy Days and Mondays","Goodbye to Love","We''ve Only Just begun"和"Top of the World"。同时他们还获得了两个Grammy奖。到了1975年,The Carpenters一贯坚持的Pop-Rock路线逐渐变得不时髦了,Richard和Karen也被各自的个人问题所困扰。在发行了1977年的现场演唱会专辑合1978年的双百金圣诞专辑后,The Carpenters有了解散的迹象:Karen Carpenter和Phil Ramone一起录制了一张个人专辑。但几个月之后,兄妹二人又在一起演出了。1981 年,The Carpenters推出了专辑"Made in America",这也是他们最成功的一张专辑。就在人们以为The Carpenters就要恢复昔日雄风时,悲剧发生了,妹妹Karen Carpenter患上了厌食症,并于1983年二月离开人世。妹妹死后,哥哥Richard Carpenter停止了表演事业,只是录制一些The Carpenters的精选唱片并担任其他一些歌手的制作人。


中文名: 卡朋特乐队
英文名: The Carpenters
简  介: 卡朋特乐队由著名的歌星卡朋特与她哥哥理查德·卡朋特组成,卡伦·卡朋彭特1950年生于美国康耐狄格州,从小在哥哥的影响下学习乐器,成了一名鼓手,大她三岁的哥哥理查德是个非常有才华的青年,担任钢琴伴奏和制作人,并创作了大量歌曲。后来在著名经纪人德纽文的帮助下,进入了美国流行乐坛。1970年一曲《靠近你》(CloseToYou)荣登排行榜首,这使卡朋特乐队一炮走红,70年代中他们不断有佳作闻世,成为无数美国青年的偶像,尼克松总统称卡朋特兄妹是最出色的美国青年。

Carpenters - Love Songs

Audio CD (March 24, 1998)
Original Release Date: March 24, 1998 
Label: A&M
Amazon.com:★★★★★(67 customer reviews)

The Carpenters: Karen Carpenter, Richard Carpenter.
Producers: Richard Carpenter, Karen Carpenter, Jack Daugherty.
Includes liner notes by Paul Lester.
Digitally remastered by Roger Wake.

Few pop song catalogs have been as underappreciated as that of the Carpenters. Though many of their best songs ("Rainy Days and Mondays," "We've Only Just Begun") were penned by equally underrated songwriter Paul Williams, pianist Richard Carpenter got his compositional licks in too, and it was his vocalist/drummer sister Karen whose sweet but unaffected vocal style cemented these tunes' popularity and helped place them in the '70s pop canon for all time.

This collection, though essentially a functional "best of," focuses, as the title makes plain, on LOVE SONGS. Of course, it doesn't hurt that such tunes happened to be the duo's stock in trade. From the achingly evanescent "Close To You" to the uplifting, jubilant "Top Of The World," these songs celebrates the ups and downs of romance. Lend an ear and be reminded of the grace and beauty that existed in the musical world of Richard and Karen Carpenter.
