回复:[22/2/2011]Paul Anka 保罗.安卡 50周年纪念版 双CD

When Paul  was a age idol singer, no one could ever forsee that one day he
would become a  successful song writer.  His achievement in song writing (lyrics
as well as the music)  magnificiently far exceeds his singing.

In fact, I value his compositions as works of art rather than commercials.

Regarding the song "My Way", my understanding is that the original was a French
song which in its original publication, was not very popular.  But Paul Anka used the
song's music and  wrote the English lyric (which is totally un-related to the song's
original French context). 

A good song needs a good singer.  Who can sing it best ?
No one would object....Frank Sinatra, in his older age.

最后编辑J_HSLEE 最后编辑于 2011-02-22 21:37:05