[2006-10-10][罕见的古典巴罗克音乐]Domenico Belli-Il nuovo stile,MP3,32 激动社区,陪你一起慢慢变老! - 激动社区 - Powered by Discuz!NT

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[2006-10-10][罕见的古典巴罗克音乐]Domenico Belli-Il nuovo stile,MP3,32

[2006-10-10][罕见的古典巴罗克音乐]Domenico Belli-Il nuovo stile,MP3,32


Domenico Belli (d Florence, bur. 5 May 1627). Italian composer and musician. According to Fétis he served the ducal court at Parma at the beginning of the 17th century, but documents have not been found to support this assertion. On 10 August 1607 he became a member of the prestigious Compagnia dell’Arcangelo Raffaello, which put him into contact with many of the most important Florentines of the day. In a letter of 27 October 1609 to Cardinal Ferdinando Gonzaga (also a member of the confraternity), Belli indicated that he would be glad to enter the new cardinal’s service in Rome. But he remained in Florence and from 1610 to 1613 he was tutor in music to the clerics of S Lorenzo, Florence, a position in which he succeeded Marco da Gagliano. Minutes of the chapter of canons there show that in addition he was given responsibility for music in S Lorenzo for Holy Week in 1611 and 1612. On 19 September 1618 both he and his wife Angelica were enrolled as musicians at the Medici court. He appears in payment records (in I-Fas) for the last time in April 1627; his wife continued in court service after his death.
All of Belli’s surviving music was published in 1616. He composed his Orfeo dolente for Carnival in that year. It consists of five scenes (to a text at least partly by Gabriello Chiabrera) that were presented as intermedi between the acts of Tasso’s Aminta, which the Rinaldi family had produced at their residence, the Palazzo della Gherardesca, in Florence. (The arguments for dating the work before 1600 made by A. Tirabassi: ‘The Oldest Opera: Belli’s Orfeo dolente’, MQ, xxv, 1939, are specious.) Belli also wrote the music for Jacopo Cicognini’s Andromeda, which was produced on 9 March 1618, again at the Palazzo della Gherardesca. The music is lost, but a description of it in which Belli is highly praised is contained in a letter (SolertiMBD) written by Caccini to the secretary of the Grand Duke of Tuscany the day after the performance.
In a remarkable letter written from Florence to Ferdinando Gonzaga, Duke of Mantua, on 11 June 1616, Belli indicated that his Arie were regarded as ‘difficult and unsingable’ because of the quantity of quavers in their basses. He continued by asking the duke to have the songs performed at the Mantuan court so that their unfortunate reputation might be improved. The bass lines are indeed rhythmically elaborate and are notable as well for the striking degree of chromaticism they contain. Some foreshadow the typical bass figurations of later strophic-bass cantatas, as also do the formal schemes of some of the songs. One song, Occhi belli a me severi, is in effect an early example of the form, with refrains and a ritornello in addition. Through both his harmonic and formal adventurousness, Belli belongs among the most radical monodists of the early 17th century.

Composer: Domenica Belli
Conductor: Vincent Dumestre
Audio CD (July 9, 2003)
Number of Discs: 1
Label: Alpha Productions
In-Print Editions: Audio CD

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