[6/5/2009]泰勒曼6首协奏曲、6首组曲 1734 CD2 2/3(CD → FLAC, 259M) 激动社区,陪你一起慢慢变老! - 激动社区 - Powered by Discuz!NT

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[6/5/2009]泰勒曼6首协奏曲、6首组曲 1734 CD2 2/3(CD → FLAC, 259M)

[6/5/2009]泰勒曼6首协奏曲、6首组曲 1734 CD2 2/3(CD → FLAC, 259M)

泰勒曼6首协奏曲、6首组曲 1734  CD2    2/3


                  泰勒曼6首协奏曲、6首组曲 1734  Georg Philipp Telemann: Concerts & Suites 1734 [Box set]
                  作      曲:泰勒曼 Georg Philipp Telemann (1681-1767)
                  演      奏:Cologne Camerata (Camerata Köln)
                          Yasunori Imamura (Lute)
                          Sabine Lier (Violin)
                          Susanne Kaiser (Organ)
                          Karl Kaiser (Flute)
                          Sabine Bauer (Harpsichord)
                          Michael Schneider (Flute)
                          Rainer Zipperling (Viola da gamba)
                          Rainer Zipperling (Cello)
                  唱片编号:999 690-2
                  唱片条码:7 61203 96902 9
                  发行时间: 2000.08.15
                  封面绘画:弗朗索瓦 布歇François Boucher (29 September 1703 – 30 May 1770) 
                            “Terpsichore, die Muse der Chorlyrik” (132 x 93 cm)

BBC Music Magazine

Despite the title, these Concerts & Suites are not orchestral pieces but a set of 12 chamber works - six concertos, six suites - initially composed for transverse flute and obbligato harpsichord. Telemann published them in 1734, noting on the title page that a cello could be added to strengthen the bass line and a violin could be used instead of the harpsichord, either replacing it completely or relegating it to a continuo role. Camerata Köln take full advantage of these possibilities and throw in a few more of their own. They substitute flauto di voce for flauto trerso in three pieces and, at different times, introduce gamba, lute and organ into the continuo. This all provides a pleasing variety of instrumental colour, yet the flute rightly remains the dominant voice.

Telemann's music characteristically blends a number of influences - here, French and Italian, old and new. While the Suites are a typical collection of dance movements, the Concerts are more unusual, mixing elements of traditional trio sonata structure with the fashionable language of gallant style. The whole set makes for delightful, if undemanding, listening. Camerata Köln's lively, diligent performances underline the music's unfailing charm

泰勒曼(Georg  Philipp  Telemann,1681-1767)德国作曲家﹑风琴家。

      泰勒曼1681年3月14日生于德国马格德堡 (Magdeburg),靠自修学习作曲,家人并不支持他的音乐志向,最初他在莱比锡攻读哲学,据说他此时自己私下写的一些曲子,乐谱被同学发现拿去发表,由于实在写得太好,因此被力邀为圣汤玛斯教堂  谱写仪式用的清唱剧,才使他终于走向音乐之路。 泰勒曼号称为最多产的音乐家,是18世纪德国最多才多艺和最具影响力的音乐家。是一个和巴赫同时代工作的作曲家,且在那个时代被认为是比巴赫伟大得多的作曲家。他光是管弦乐作品就有八百多首。音乐史上怕是罕有其匹。在五十年代他的作品并无多少被录制,到六十年代情形大为改观。他的各种体裁的作品,从受难曲、室内乐到三重奏鸣曲、协奏曲等几乎都录制了唱片。虽然他常常被认为只是一个二流作曲家,所作的只是浮光掠影的“十八世纪背景音乐”。但他的一些作品,像D大调小号协奏曲、A小调竖笛、弦乐和通奏低音组曲,或降B大调为三个双簧管、三个小提琴和通奏低音的协奏曲,与维瓦尔第最好的作品相比也决不逊色。巴赫也曾把泰勒曼的一些协奏曲改编成键盘乐。

The Camerata Köln ensemble performs baroque and classical chamber music, with works with woodwinds forming its special focus.

Since ist founding in 1979 the ensemble has appeared in concert not only in almost all the European countries and at important festivals for early music such as those in Innsbruck, Bruges, Herne, Glasgow, and Malmö but also has undertaken guest tours, mostly in coorporation with the Goethe Institute and often in countries outside Europe, including Israel, Northern and Southern American countries, India, Turkey, Egypt, Lebanon, and Jordan.

The idea behind the ensemble´s founding was to he early chamber music performed by musicans with a virtuoso command of historical instruments and with proper attention to all relevant stylistic criteria as well as with the greatest possible spontaneity, pleasure, and artistic independence. Over the years the general public and the music press he continued to point to this idea as the distinguishing and outstanding feature of the Camerata Köln.

下载精美的CPO古典音乐目录(pdf):CPO Classics CD Catalogue 2008

Georg Philipp Telemann: Concerts & Suites 1734
Georg Philipp Telemann (1681-1767)

                                  Cpo 999 690-2  CD 2:
                                  Concerto for flute, violin (or harpsichord) & continuo in A major
                                  (Concerts & Suites No. 3), TWV 42:A3
                                        track 1  1. Tempo giusto
                                        track 2  2. Vivace
                                        track 3  3. Adagio
                                        track 4  4. Presto

                                  Suite for flute, harpsichord (or violin) & continuo in B minor
                                  (Concerts et Suites No. 3/9), TWV 42:h2
                                        track 5  1. Soe
                                        track 6  2. Allegro
                                        track 7  3. Temp di Minuetto
                                        track 8  4. Vivace
                                        track 9  5. Presto
                                        track 10  6. Vivace
                                        track 11  7. Allegro
                                        track 12  8. Allegro

                                  Concerto for flute, violin (or harpsichord) & continuo in E minor
                                  (Concerts & Suites No. 4), TWV 42:e3
                                        track 13  1. Largo
                                        track 14  2. Vivace
                                        track 15  3. Dolce
                                        track 16  4. Vivace

                                  Suite for flute, harpsichord (or violin) & continuo in E major
                                  (Concerts et Suites No. 4/10), TWV 42:E2
                                        track 17  1. Gratioso
                                        track 18  2. Moderato
                                        track 19  3. Vivace
                                        track 20  4. Presto
                                        track 21  5. Dolce
                                        track 22  6. Allegro
                                        track 23  7. Vivace


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试听:Suite for flute, harpsichord (or violin) & continuo in G major, TWV 42:G4 - 2. Un poco Vivace


激动论坛 西方古典 泰勒曼相关帖子(统计至2009.5.6)

泰勒曼古大提琴協奏曲、奏鳴曲&組曲 Telemann Concertos for Viola Da Gamba  聞到咖啡香
亨德尔/泰勒曼《水上音乐》 Handel·Telemann《Water Music》  Psdlxm
维瓦尔第、泰勒曼-短笛协奏曲、短笛幻想曲 Vivaldi & Telemann - Concertos for Piccolo  Lawn
泰勒曼五首小提琴协奏曲 Telemann·5 Violin Concertos  Lawn
台列曼《圆号协奏曲和序曲》Telemann: Horn Concertos and Overtures  舒伯莱姆
泰雷曼:G大调中提琴协奏曲 TELEMANN:Viola Concerto in G  Musics 外链区
泰勒曼小号协奏曲全集  Telemann, Complete Trumpet Concertos  4CD  Sctiger
泰勒曼双簧管与柔音双簧管协奏曲  Telemann, Complete Trumpet Concertos    Sctiger
泰勒曼:男低音清唱剧  Telemann: Bass Cantatas    Sctiger
泰勒曼协奏曲集 CD1 1/3  Telemann: Concertos    Sctiger
泰勒曼协奏曲集 CD1 2/3  Telemann: Concertos    Sctiger
泰勒曼协奏曲集 CD1 3/3  Telemann: Concertos    Sctiger
泰勒曼管弦乐组曲  Telemann: Orchestral Suites    Sctiger
泰勒曼6首巴黎四重奏 CD1  1/2  Telemann: The Paris Quartets    Sctiger
泰勒曼6首巴黎四重奏 CD2  2/2  Telemann: The Paris Quartets    Sctiger
泰勒曼:协奏曲与室内乐第五集  Telemann:Overtures Sonatas and Concertos Vol. 5    Sctiger
泰勒曼木管协奏曲  Telemann: Bläserkonzerte (Wind Concertos)    Sctiger
[Carus 83.300] Telemann Quintetti d’archi e Partite per due liuti  (在16楼)    Lawn
泰勒曼6首协奏曲、6首组曲 1734  Georg Philipp Telemann: Concerts & Suites 1734 [Box set] CD 1    Sctiger
泰勒曼6首协奏曲、6首组曲 1734  Georg Philipp Telemann: Concerts & Suites 1734 [Box set] CD 2    Sctiger

最后编辑sctiger 最后编辑于 2010-11-02 22:04:42

回复:[6/5/2009]泰勒曼6首协奏曲、6首组曲 1734 CD2 2/3(CD → FLAC,...

再一個 沙發可躺 虎兄真辛苦 二連發
最后编辑shipman2 最后编辑于 2009-05-06 00:20:27
由於百度網盤 對於台灣網友與對岸限制 以至於過去的鏈結不見 深感抱歉!!!
*** 上傳的文件 若失效就不再傳了 所以......***

回复 2F shipman2 的帖子


回复: [6/5/2009]泰勒曼6首协奏曲、6首组曲 1734 CD2 2/3(CD → FLAC,...

原帖由 shipman2 于 2009-5-6 0:19:00 发表
再一個 沙發可躺 虎兄真辛苦 二連發

聆听音乐,聆听花开的声音 ╔►〖风景小栈〗

回复: [6/5/2009]泰勒曼6首协奏曲、6首组曲 1734 CD2 2/3(CD → FLAC,...

原帖由 sctiger 于 2009-5-6 0:27:00 发表

虎兄不要太辛苦哦 看你昨很像傳得很晚 請要保重哦 沙發 呵  呵 謝了

你看 我們戀班都來當座上賓
由於百度網盤 對於台灣網友與對岸限制 以至於過去的鏈結不見 深感抱歉!!!
*** 上傳的文件 若失效就不再傳了 所以......***

回复:[6/5/2009]泰勒曼6首协奏曲、6首组曲 1734 CD2 2/3(CD → FLAC,...

謝謝您的分享. 泰勒曼6首协奏曲、6首组曲, 感激不盡.

回复:[6/5/2009]泰勒曼6首协奏曲、6首组曲 1734 CD2 2/3(CD → FLAC,...


回复:[6/5/2009]泰勒曼6首协奏曲、6首组曲 1734 CD2 2/3(CD → FLAC,...



回复:[6/5/2009]泰勒曼6首协奏曲、6首组曲 1734 CD2 2/3(CD → FLAC,...

感谢老虎  辛苦提供  衷心感谢

回复:[6/5/2009]泰勒曼6首协奏曲、6首组曲 1734 CD2 2/3(CD → FLAC,...

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