【John Williams-Saving Private Ryan 拯救大兵瑞恩 (20th Anniversary 激动社区,陪你一起慢慢变老! - 激动社区 - Powered by Discuz!NT

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[影视原声] 【John Williams-Saving Private Ryan 拯救大兵瑞恩 (20th Anniversary

【John Williams-Saving Private Ryan 拯救大兵瑞恩 (20th Anniversary Limited Edition)】【FLAC】

Basically this was supposed to be a digital and vinyl only release. We convinced UMG to let us do the vinyl, due this Fall, on one condition -- we get to do the CD as well. There is really nothing to add, less than 2 minutes, but it gave us the opportunity to have Mike write the notes and Jim do the artwork to one of the finest films in the past 20 years...to allow us to give this modern classic the deluxe package it deserves. We are honored to be releasing this score and we hope you enjoy its presentation.


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最后编辑enduoli 最后编辑于 2020-07-08 08:04:33

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John Williams-Saving Private Ryan

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