[23/5/2009]【爵士吉它】Craig Chaquico克雷格·卡契柯《A Thousand Pictu

【爵士吉它】Smooth Jazz吉它手Craig Chaquico克雷格·卡契柯1996年专辑《A Thousand Pictures》  (MP3 320K)

艺术家:Craig Chaquico
专辑名称:A Thousand Pictures
音乐风格:Smooth Jazz
出厂厂牌:Higher Octe

“Songs for A Thousand Pictures were mostly written between February and August
of 1995. The rough mixes were completed at Craig Chaquico's Mill Valley studio,
Lunatunes, from August 4 to September 5th. Final mixing began on September 6th at
Aurision in Ojai, which stayed on a seven-day-a-week schedule to complete production
by September 27th. At least that's what everybody thought: After two days of
production work, the DAT machine ate the final mix of Sweet Talk, and it was completed
a second time on September 29th. September 26th was Craig's birthday, so everybody
stopped for dinner, an impromptu percussion session and some howling at the moon.
By September 30th, the final mixes were done. Final mastering at Quad Teck Studios
in L.A. happened on October 16th. By October 19th, Craig was tired, but happy.”


Craig Chaquico (guitar, percussion, sound effects);
Richard Elliot (saxophone);
Ozzie Ahlers (keyboards, bass, percussion);
Jim Reitzel (bass);
Wade Olson (drums);
Alain Eskinasi (percussion);
3rd Force.

                                                                                              01 Sweet Talk
                                                                                              02 Why The Dolphin Smiles
                                                                                              03 Naho Stars
                                                                                              04 Autumn Blue
                                                                                              05 Just Friends
                                                                                              06 Acoustic Treler
                                                                                              07 We Rode The Wind
                                                                                              08 Streetwise
                                                                                              09 Kyle's World
                                                                                              10 Acoustic Treler (Remix)


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您现在欣赏试听的曲目:01 Sweet Talk


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