[2007-5-27]【CBS美版】Mozart: Flute Quartets莫札特: 長笛四重奏(ape/201m/

                                              Mozart Flute Quartets Rampal Stern Schneider Rose
                                              Composer: Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart
                                              Jean-Pierre Rampal, flute
                                              Isaac Stern, violin
                                              Alexander Schneider, viola
                                              Leonard Rose, cello
                                              Audio CD (Jan 1 1987)
                                              SPARS Code: ADD
                                              Number of Discs: 1
                                              Label: Sony Music Canada Inc.
                                              ASIN: B0000026HD


From Amazon.com

This is the earlier and fresher of two recordings of Mozart flute quartets by Jean-Pierre Rampal. In
recent years, some of Rampal’s performances and recordings have been so routine that they’ve obscured
our memory of just how fine a player he was. This obviously was a fun session for the all-star ensem
ble that gathered to make the recording, with Alexander Schneider (from the great Budapest Quartet) m
aking a rare appearance as violist. While you can’t tell from the music that Mozart supposedly dislik
ed the flute, none of these pieces is anywhere near his most profound. But they are Mozart and they
are very well performed. --Leslie Gerber


润着他、在他心灵中升华,而现在又从他心灵中逸出的东西 - 長笛四重奏

01. Quartet in D major Allegro------------------------------------------------------------【06’19】
02. Quartet in D major Adagio-------------------------------------------------------------【02’22】
03. Quartet in D major Rondeau------------------------------------------------------------【04’03】
04. Quartet in A major Theme and Variations-----------------------------------------------【05’44】
05. Quartet in A major Menuetto-----------------------------------------------------------【02’02】
06. Quartet in A major Rondeau: Alegretto grazioso----------------------------------------【03’08】
07. Quartet in G major Andante------------------------------------------------------------【04’59】
08. Quartet in G major Tempo di Menuetto--------------------------------------------------【03’07】
09. Quartet in C major Allegro------------------------------------------------------------【05’22】
10. Quartet in C major Theme and Variations-----------------------------------------------【09’49】


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