
A time for us  我倆的時光

A time for us, someday there’ll be  總有一天,會有屬於我倆的時光
When chains are torn by courage  當鎖鏈被勇氣蝕穿
Born of a love that’s free  從愛而生必自由
A time when dreams so long denied can flourish  夢想被否定的時光終將大放異彩
As we unveil the love we now must hide  當我們不遮掩的愛,如今卻得隱藏

A time for us, at last to see  我倆的時光,終於得見
A life worth while for you and me  人生中一段值得我倆珍惜的時光
And with our love through tears and thorns we will endure  用愛穿越淚水與荊棘,我們定能承受
As we pass surely through every storm  一如我們安然度過每場暴風雨

A time for us, someday there’ll be  總有一天,會有一段屬於我倆的時光
A new world, a world of shining hope for you and me  一個嶄新的世界,為你我閃耀著希望的世界

一段雋永的情愛 一首不朽的情歌....永流傳.....
謝謝hill! 期待完整上傳!