你不可不知的足球音乐 布莱恩亚当斯 Here I Am (4) 激动社区,陪你一起慢慢变老! - 激动社区 - Powered by Discuz!NT

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[音乐常识] 你不可不知的足球音乐 布莱恩亚当斯 Here I Am (4)

你不可不知的足球音乐 布莱恩亚当斯 Here I Am (4)


    Here I Am  动画片“小马王”主题曲/金球奖最佳电影主题曲提名   



最后编辑megajoycn005 最后编辑于 2008-08-27 15:38:07




最初由 0426abcd 发表





"Here I Am (End Title)"

Here I am - this is me
There’s no where else on earth I’d rather be
Here I am - it’s just me and you
And tonight we make our dreams come true
It’s a new world - it’s a new start
It’s alive with the beating of young hearts
It’s a new day - it’s a new plan
I’ve been waiting for you
Here I am
Here we are - we’ve just begun
And after all this time - our time has come
Ya here we are - still goin’ strong
Right here in the place where we belong
It’s a new world - it’s a new start
It’s alive with the beating of young hearts
It’s a new day - it’s a new plan
I’ve been waiting for you
Here I am
Here I am
Here I am

waiting for you
Here I am - this is me
There’s no where else on earth I’d rather be
Here I am - it’s just me and you
And tonight we make our dreams come true
It’s a new world - it’s a new start
It’s alive with the beating of young hearts
It’s a new day - it’s a new plan
I’ve been waiting for you
It’s a new world - it’s a new start
It’s alive with the beating of young hearts
It’s a new day - it’s a new plan
I’ve been waiting for you
Here I am
Here I am
- next to you
And suddenly the world is all brand new
Here I am
Here I am
- where I’m gonna stay
Now there’s nothin standin in our way
Here I am
Here I am
- this is me



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Here I am,

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回复:你不可不知的足球音乐 布莱恩亚当斯 Here I Am (4)


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