[30/1/2010]【经典Rmix舞曲】 .Broken Hearted Woman (附日语原版) 激动社区,陪你一起慢慢变老! - 激动社区 - Powered by Discuz!NT

激动社区爱乐之城 · 一曲倾心外语单曲 [30/1/2010]【经典Rmix舞曲】 .Broken Hearted Woman (附日语原版)

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[30/1/2010]【经典Rmix舞曲】 .Broken Hearted Woman (附日语原版)

[30/1/2010]【经典Rmix舞曲】 .Broken Hearted Woman (附日语原版)

该曲的原版是由日本歌手中岛美雪1977年发表的《ルージュ》,现在欣赏的是jessica jay演唱的英文Remix版本,该曲在华语圈也有《容易受伤的女人》等翻唱版



日语原版及jessica jay另一首Rmix曲子《月亮代表我的心》下载:
月亮代表我的心 Remix

Broken Hearted Woman

In the morning when I wake
I had no more tear the whisper
Oh one little number nine
Were night what to young
How I found to mean the tree
When the face so warm and tender
That's thing never in the dark
Cause deep in my hearted
Now or never still me with forever
Tell me that to never have apart
Body side that's thing the life
That speak like a dry
Like together into never never
Lock to side my guilty
How it's so bad to know
Rose like to find him gone
In the morning when I wake
How I wonder is find to me
That's thing never in the dark
Cause deep in my hearted
In the night to hear his side
In the morning always seeing
That moon silver and the screen
And saw guilty green
Why it's you I'm just the win
When I try I almost kissing
That's thing never in the dark
Cause deep in my hearted
Now or never still me with forever
Tell me that to never have apart
Body side that's thing the life
That speak like a dry
Like together into never never
Lock to side my guilty
How it's so bad to know
Rose like to find him gone
In the morning when I wake
How I wonder is find meeting
最后编辑sqx99 最后编辑于 2010-01-30 18:51:28
好音乐 都来吧!

回复:[30/1/2010]【经典Rmix舞曲】 .Broken Hearted Woman (附日语原版...

  现在只要歌一红,很快就变成【国际版】啦,辛苦 SQX99了 !

回复:[30/1/2010]【经典Rmix舞曲】 .Broken Hearted Woman (附日语原版...


回复:[30/1/2010]【经典Rmix舞曲】 .Broken Hearted Woman (附日语原版...


回复:[30/1/2010]【经典Rmix舞曲】 .Broken Hearted Woman (附日语原版...


回复:[30/1/2010]【经典Rmix舞曲】 .Broken Hearted Woman (附日语原版...


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xiexie, new feelings

回复 1F sqx99 的帖子

xiexie, new feelings

回复:[30/1/2010]【经典Rmix舞曲】 .Broken Hearted Woman (附日语原版...

Broken Hearted Woman             

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