[15/6/2009]【私藏舞曲】相信很多人都在尋找的Privirea Ta 完整版本 激动社区,陪你一起慢慢变老! - 激动社区 - Powered by Discuz!NT

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[15/6/2009]【私藏舞曲】相信很多人都在尋找的Privirea Ta 完整版本

[15/6/2009]【私藏舞曲】相信很多人都在尋找的Privirea Ta 完整版本

DJ Project是罗马尼亚的舞曲组合,成员包括 (制作人)Gino Manzotti,dj maxx和Elena Baltagan(主音)。该舞曲组合成立于2000年在罗马尼亚,他们的第一张专辑(Experience)发表于2001年。在美国MTV欧洲音乐奖2006年,DJ Project分别获颁"Best Romanian Act"奖。

In October 2000, two DJs from Timisoara, DJ Gino Manzotti (Handke Guiseppe) and DJ Maxx (Floarea Ovidiu Nicolae) decided to found a musical project named, accordingly, DJ Project.
The following year they release their first album, "Experience", at Media Services Sony Music. In 2002 another one of their albums - "Spune-mi tot ce vrei" - is produced by Media Services again.
Since autumn 2003 Dj Gino Manzotti and Dj Maxx also included in their project Elena (Elena Batlagan), and released "Lumea ta", their third album as a group and the first in the new formula.
In 2004 DJ PROJECT was the Romanian group to feature in the Romanian Top 100 for the longest period of time - 40 weeks - with their single "Lumea ta". The next release, "Printre vise", was another musical success of the year, played intensely by the Romanian radio stations.
In 2005 the single "Lumea ta" begun its European career, being promoted by Ministry of Sound - the most important record company in Europe, focusing mainly on euro-dance. At radio stations in many European countries Europe played the Romanian as well as the English version of the song, along with numerous remixes. In Europe, DJ Project was promoted using the name "Elena".

The year 2006 began alertly for the group. After receiving the "Best Romanian Dance" award at the MTV Romanian Music Awards - Cluj 2006, DJ Project started recording, at the request of Universal Music record company, a video clip for the single "Before I Sleep" - the English version of their super-hit single "Privirea ta", a video clip that in 2007 was broadcasted also at the Romanian music televisions.
On July 29th 2006 DJ Project released their fifth album, "Povestea mea". It consisted of 15 tracks, including the English version ("Before I Sleep") of the super-hit "Privirea ta". All other 14 tracks are first auditions, three of them are extended versions, one is a club version and one is a featuring with Jazzy.

The release concert took place at the Office club in Mamaia.
On august 4th 2006 DJ Project received the “Best Dance Group” award at the Romanian Top 100 Awards, at Bacau.
In September 2006, the first single released from the new album, named “Inca o noapte”, reaches the number one position in the Romanian Top 100, the chart of the radio stations.

In November 2006 the group is conferred in Copenhagen the BEST ROMANIAN ACT award at the MTV Europe Music Awards, a trophy that acknowledges the quickest rise in the Romanian music and settles for good a musical brand, DJ PROJECT, whose sound becomes a synonym of artistic performance.
Also in November 2006 a new single is released,”Esti tot ce am”, which can still be heard playing at the radio stations.
In May 2007 the group receives, for the second time consecutive, the award for the best dance group at the MTV Romania Awards.
During March and April DJ Project took part in a national tour organized by UTV, and in May – June in the national tour named”Mereu aproape”.

At the end of June they release the sixth album in their career (this without taking into consideration that the precedent album was released in two editions, as a  and then double CD), named”Doua anotimpuri”.




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楼 主的音乐都还蛮棒的呀,音量开大了扰民楼主负责任呀,会被告到法院打官司地 前些时候还看到他们的专辑了,谢谢楼主推荐
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回复:[15/6/2009]【私藏舞曲】相信很多人都在尋找的Privirea Ta 完整版本


回复:[15/6/2009]【私藏舞曲】相信很多人都在尋找的Privirea Ta 完整版本


回复:[15/6/2009]【私藏舞曲】相信很多人都在尋找的Privirea Ta 完整版本


回复:[15/6/2009]【私藏舞曲】相信很多人都在尋找的Privirea Ta 完整版本

感谢kenny119911 的分享,偶可不敢把音箱开的太大!

回复 1F kenny119911 的帖子


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回复:[15/6/2009]【私藏舞曲】相信很多人都在尋找的Privirea Ta 完整版本

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