[2006-11-27]Rabbit Fur Coat 激动社区,陪你一起慢慢变老! - 激动社区 - Powered by Discuz!NT
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[2006-11-27]Rabbit Fur Coat

[2006-11-27]Rabbit Fur Coat


Jenny Lewis是来自美国洛杉矶的一名歌手兼音乐创作人。
作为LA’s Rilo Kiley的女主音,很多人在2000年发行的乐队第1张专辑中
就被Jenny Lewis那温柔又略微沙哑的嗓音给迷住了,让人赞叹的还有她的音乐天赋。
南部福音以及乡村乐相互交融在一起,由Jenny Lewis娓娓道来,别具特色

Rabbit Fur Coat

by Jenny Lewis With The Watson Twins

I was of poor folk
But my mother had a rabbit fur coat
And a girl of less character pushed her down the L.A. River
Hand over that rabbit fur coat

She put a knife to her throat
Hand over that rabbit fur coat
When my ma refused, the girl kicked dirt on her blouse
Stay away from my mansion house

My mother really suffered for that
Spent her life in a gold plated body cast
Now, you ask, did she get that girl back?
She paid a visit to that mansion house

She knew the girl was not there
But her father was in cufflinks with slicked-back black hair
He invited her in, they never sang a note
But she took off that rabbit fur coat

And who do you think came home?
Miss so and so
She took one look at my ma and what did she say?
""Why are you stealing from my mansion house?""

No, I’m in love with Mr. so and so
He invited me in, I’m a girl no more
Then she dragged my ma out by her throat
Hand over that rabbit fur coat

Let’s move ahead twenty years, shall we?
She was waitressing on welfare, we were living in the valley
A lady says to my ma you treat your girl as your spouse
You can live in a mansion house

And so we did
And I became a 100.000 dollar kid
When I was old enough to realize, wiped the dust from my mother’s eyes
It’s all this for that rabbit fur coat

But I’m not bitter about it
I’ve packed up my things and let them have at it
And the fortune faded, as fortunes often do
And so did that mansion house

Where my ma is now, I don’t know
She was living in her car, I was living on the road
And I hear she’s putting that stuff up her nose
And still wearing that rabbit fur coat

But mostly I’m a hypocrite
I sing songs about the deficit
But when I sell out and leave Omaha, what will I get?
A mansion house and a rabbit fur coat







有點 鄉村歌曲 味道哦

是 兔毛皮草 不要穿 那 ㄚ扁媳 那牌就好

被人唸半天 阿扁未來 金銀孫 愛當那國人 關我屁事ㄚ

那些記者 真是 沒完完了

不過那 金銀財寶 似乎 款到usa去了






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