[22/6/2010]【天蠍合唱團告別作】 Scorpions - Sting In The Tail – (絕響終幕 激动社区,陪你一起慢慢变老! - 激动社区 - Powered by Discuz!NT

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[22/6/2010]【天蠍合唱團告別作】 Scorpions - Sting In The Tail – (絕響終幕

[22/6/2010]【天蠍合唱團告別作】 Scorpions - Sting In The Tail – (絕響終幕

Sting In The Tail – (絕響終幕)

專集名稱:Sting In The Tail(絕響終幕)
專集歌手:Scorpions 天蠍合唱團


◎請到跨界舞台/電影配樂/搖滾領域的新生代才子Martin Hansen(The Rasmus、Apocalyptica、蜘蛛人2原聲帶)職掌
◎將正式解散成為絕響的最後錄音室大碟,芬蘭首席Symphonic Power/Melodic Metal大團Nightwish前女主唱Tarja Turunen跨刀合音

突破全球1億張專輯銷售門檻、滾石音樂雜讚譽「重金屬英雄」、入選全世界最偉大的三十個搖滾樂團之一、名列VH1頻道「經典硬式搖滾藝人演出」第46名,德國首席搖滾天團Scorpions,歷經45個年頭,於2010年公開宣布,將在全新大碟《Sting In The Tail》發行,以及世界巡演結束後,Scorpions正式解散成為絕響,不僅令全球樂迷感到震驚與不捨,更要把握最後一次擁有Scorpions的機會!
  於1965年在德國漢諾威成立的Scorpions,1972年發行首張專輯《Lonesome Crow》,脈絡承襲Jimi Hendrix、Led Zeppelin等風格,結合兩把電吉他強勁有力的刷弦和爆發力,敲開Scorpions的國際舞台。1989年8月別具歷史意義的「莫斯科和平音樂節」盛大舉行,同年11月柏林圍牆倒塌,Scorpions撼動人心的冠軍作品〈Wind Of Change〉成為鐵幕開啟、共產主義衰落和冷戰結束的主題曲,甚至錄製俄文版本,贏得前蘇聯領袖戈巴契夫邀請,到克林姆林宮參加一場研討會,這是蘇聯和搖滾史上頭一遭。主唱Klaus Meine於2010年應邀金屬金童Tobia Sammet一手打造最成功之音樂計畫團隊Avantasia擔綱榮耀客席貴賓,成為全歐樂迷年度最期待的夢幻組合!
  曾經待過華納、環球、EMI等主流大廠,將謝幕終曲獻給SONY音樂集團,請到跨界舞台/電影配樂/搖滾領域的新生代才子Martin Hansen(The Rasmus、Apocalyptica、蜘蛛人2原聲帶)職掌第17張錄音室特典《Sting In The Tail》。寶刀未老的Klaus,挾帶厚實高亢且充沛的能量譜入〈Raised On Rock〉,堅持保留傳統搖滾聲韻,猛重鼓擊和全場飆揚的吉他一再刺激聽眾雙耳;同名單曲〈Sting In The Tail〉,狂野釋放不羈音場,將這情緒直奔〈Slave Me〉裡頭,過癮帶勁的引出隆隆巨響,完全的追求速度撞擊超快感;交融古典美學的芬蘭首席Symphonic Power/Melodic Metal大團Nightwish前女主唱Tarja Turunen,跨刀站台優質抒情小品〈The Good Die Young〉,大秀金屬第一美聲歌姬的迷人魅力;琅琅上口的〈Rock Zone〉、〈Turn You On〉、〈Let’s Rock〉,更是激起一波波High翻腦門的高潮曲目;〈Lorelei〉、〈Sly〉、〈The Best Is Yet To Come〉都是真情流露的慢板佳作。


1.Raised On Rock
2.Sting In The Tail
3.Slave Me
4.The Good Die Young
5.No Limit
6.Rock Zone
8.Turn You On
10.Spirit Of Rock
11.The Best Is Yet To Come


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12 - The Best Is Yet To Come (WMA/64K)


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Scorpions蝎子乐队摇滚经典- Still Loving You(1992)320K/ MP3
由於百度網盤 對於台灣網友與對岸限制 以至於過去的鏈結不見 深感抱歉!!!
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回复:[22/6/2010]【天蝎合唱团告别作】 Scorpions - Sting In The Ta...

  蝎子献出尾刺就告收队了,谢谢鸟锅锅 !

回复: [22/6/2010]【天蠍合唱團告別作】 Scorpions - Sting In The Ta...

The Best Is Yet To Come

Across the desert plains
Where nothing dares to grow
I taught you how to sing
You taught me everything I know
And thought the night is young
And we don't know if we'll live to see the sun

The best is yet to come
I know, you know
That we've only just begun
Through the highs and lows
And how can I live without you
You're such a part of me
And you've always been the one
Keeping me forever young
And the best is yet to come

Heya aeh ho
Don't look now, the best is yet to come
Heya aeh ho
Take my hand, the best is yet to come

Thinking of the times
How we laughed and cried
I wouldn't change a thing
I couldn't even if I tried
Through the wind and rain
The spirit of our song remains the same

And the best is yet to come
I know, you know
That we've only just begun
Through the highs and lows
And how can I live without you
You're such a part of me
And you've always been the one
Keeping me forever young
And the best is yet to come

Heya aeh ho
Don't look now, the best is yet to come
Heya aeh ho
Take my hand, the best is yet to come

Oh can you feel it in the air
It's in your heart and everywhere
We got to keep that dream alive

We cross another road
And face another day
Soldiers never die
They only fade away
How can we grow old
When the soundtrack of our lives is rock and roll

And the best is yet to come
I know, you know
That we've only just begun
Through the highs and lows
And how can I live without you
You're such a part of me
And you've always been the one
Keeping me forever young
And the best is yet to come

Heya aeh ho
Don't look now, the best is yet to come
Heya aeh ho
Take my hand, the best is yet to come

Heya aeh ho
Don't look now, the best is yet to come
Heya aeh ho
Take my hand, the best is yet to come



回复:[22/6/2010]【天蠍合唱團告別作】 Scorpions - Sting In The Ta...

早上K版才来了一张天蠍专辑  鸟锅也来啊凑热闹  送上告别之作 

回复: [22/6/2010]【天蠍合唱團告別作】 Scorpions - Sting In The Ta...

原帖由 powin 于 2010-6-22 18:21:00 发表
早上K版才来了一张天蠍专辑  鸟锅也来啊凑热闹  送上告别之作   

小寶 kate早上發一張經選輯 我下午聽完 太棒了 所以趕緊到國外空運這張是全新的  一看卻是天蠍告別作了
他們都太老了 60幾歲了 唱不動了!!!
由於百度網盤 對於台灣網友與對岸限制 以至於過去的鏈結不見 深感抱歉!!!
*** 上傳的文件 若失效就不再傳了 所以......***

回复: [22/6/2010]【天蠍合唱團告別作】 Scorpions - Sting In The Ta...

原帖由 shipman2 于 2010-6-22 18:27:00 发表

小寶 kate早上發一張經選輯 我下午聽完 太棒了 所以趕緊到國外空運這張是全新的  一看卻是天蠍告別作了
他們都太老了 60幾歲了 唱不動了!!!

鸟大哥神速   60多岁 当然唱不动了 怪他们不培养接班人啊  只会自顾自玩自己喜欢的

回复:[22/6/2010]【天蠍合唱團告別作】 Scorpions - Sting In The Ta...


回复:[22/6/2010]【天蠍合唱團告別作】 Scorpions - Sting In The Ta...

kate这话太好了:怪他们不培养接班人啊  只会自顾自玩自己喜欢的



回复 1F shipman2 的帖子

xiexie, rnR classic

回复:[22/6/2010]【天蠍合唱團告別作】 Scorpions - Sting In The Ta...

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