[20/8/2010]◆◆◆ 勾魂女聲J-Zohar - Premonition (2010) ◆◆◆ 激动社区,陪你一起慢慢变老! - 激动社区 - Powered by Discuz!NT

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[20/8/2010]◆◆◆ 勾魂女聲J-Zohar - Premonition (2010) ◆◆◆

[20/8/2010]◆◆◆ 勾魂女聲J-Zohar - Premonition (2010) ◆◆◆

◆◆◆ 勾魂女聲J-Zohar - Premonition (2010) ◆◆◆



試聽︰11. You 《64k wma》

專輯名稱︰Premonition (2010)
發行公司︰TBH ParkMusic
發行日期︰5 Mar 2010
音樂風格︰Pop | 1CD |
音樂格式︰MP3 |
音樂品質︰VBR 320 kbps | 48,0kHz |

Bio Introducing J-Zohar - she started her music career path far from the music. Till the age of thir she seriously devoted herself to sports, in particular swimming, also Latin-American and ballroom dancing. She was listening with delight to the songs of Mariah Carey, Whitney Houston, Mylene Farmer and others. Being an athlete and a high achiever, she was always obsessed with music. And by some quirk of fate, the future singer was auditioned by a music band, which was looking for a lead singer. On her first audition she got noticed and received a high appraisal of her talent, that made it clear: she should no longer ignore her desire of self-actualization in music. Then she began attending singing lessons, participated in music competitions and more importantly - she became successful at it. The victory in one of these competitions brough the singer a chance to work with the local famous band, where J-Zohar recorded her first solo album.

Her desire to become a professional in music industry brought her to music college, where J-Zohar for several years mastered the profession of choral conductor. Studying music brought her the experience of singing in a choir and a clear desire to open her own sound recording studio.
 It took some time when a team of talented musicians was brough together, working with different music styles but understanding one another’s creativity well. This team is still working together and helping the singer to produce the new music material. After recording some demo material, J-Zohar was invited to participate in various competitions and TV reality shows. Last year the participation of J-Zohar in the most significant Baltic musical contest brought her to victory and helped to decide on the choice of path. J-Zohar recorded her first album «Premonition» in English, where the singer, composer and poet Alyshen played an important part. The album was recorded in the best tradition of such music genres as Soul and R'n'B. An exceptionally melodious songs and amazing vocals make this cd a worthy of appreciation by fans as well as by professionals.


01. Introducing Myself
02. Premonition
03. Like I Do
04. Never Ask For Too Much
05. I Don't Want To
06. Stranger
07. Strawberry Love
08. It's Good Enough
09. Kicking Up The Fuss
10. Touch My Soul Again
11. You
12. Take A Deep Breath



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★☆★ Vicky168 ★☆★

本帖被评分 1 次
最后编辑vicky168 最后编辑于 2010-08-20 14:36:05

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回复:[20/8/2010]◆◆◆ 勾魂女声J-Zohar - Premonition (2010) ◆◆...


回复:[20/8/2010]◆◆◆ 勾魂女聲J-Zohar - Premonition (2010) ◆◆...


回复:[20/8/2010]◆◆◆ 勾魂女聲J-Zohar - Premonition (2010) ◆◆...

试听的音质不错 感谢分享!!!!

回复:[20/8/2010]◆◆◆ 勾魂女聲J-Zohar - Premonition (2010) ◆◆...


回复:[20/8/2010]◆◆◆ 勾魂女聲J-Zohar - Premonition (2010) ◆◆...

谢谢vicky168 周末愉快

回复:[20/8/2010]◆◆◆ 勾魂女聲J-Zohar - Premonition (2010) ◆◆...

封面這J-Zohar 那雙眸的確勾人魂 至於歌聲 要慢慢聆賞 謝謝一路發
由於百度網盤 對於台灣網友與對岸限制 以至於過去的鏈結不見 深感抱歉!!!
*** 上傳的文件 若失效就不再傳了 所以......***

回复:[20/8/2010]◆◆◆ 勾魂女聲J-Zohar - Premonition (2010) ◆◆...

试听的音质不错 感谢分享!!!!

回复:[20/8/2010]◆◆◆ 勾魂女聲J-Zohar - Premonition (2010) ◆◆...

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