[2006-12-6][世界音乐]Carlo Bergonzi - Italian Songs ,男高音歌唱家卡罗.贝尔 激动社区,陪你一起慢慢变老! - 激动社区 - Powered by Discuz!NT

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[2006-12-6][世界音乐]Carlo Bergonzi - Italian Songs ,男高音歌唱家卡罗.贝尔

[2006-12-6][世界音乐]Carlo Bergonzi - Italian Songs ,男高音歌唱家卡罗.贝尔

Product Details
Composer: Vincenzo Bellini, Giuseppe Verdi, et al.
Conductor: Eve Queler
Performer: Carlo Bergonzi
Ensemble: Opera Orchestra of New York
Label: Sony
Catalog: #60785
Audio CD (November 24, 1998)
Number of Discs: 1
1. Vaga luna che inargenti   
2. Stornello 
3. Se. . . 
4. Me voglio fa ’na casa   
5. O del mio amato ben   
6. Vaaghissima sembianza     
7. O primavera!     
8. Occhi di fata     
9. La promessa     
10. Serenata     
11. Tormento!     
12. L’alba separa dalla luce l’ombra     
13. Ideale     
14. Lolita   
15. Non ti scordar di me     
16. La danza     
17. EDGAR: ’Orgia, chimera dall’occhio vitreo’     

On this CD:

1. Vaga luna, che inargenti, song for voice & piano
Composed by Vincenzo Bellini
with Carlo Bergonzi, John Wustman

2. Stornello ("Tu dici che non m’ami"), song for voice & piano
Composed by Giuseppe Verdi
with Carlo Bergonzi, John Wustman

3. Se, for voice & piano/orchestra
Composed by Luigi Denza
with Carlo Bergonzi, John Wustman

4. Amor marinaro ("Me voglio f?na casa"), canzonetta napoletana for voice & piano (or orchestra)
Composed by Gaetano Donizetti
with Carlo Bergonzi, John Wustman

5. O del mio amato ben for voice & piano (or orchestra)
Composed by Stefano Donaudy
with Carlo Bergonzi, John Wustman

6. Vaghissima sembianza for voice & piano (or orchestra)
Composed by Stefano Donaudy
with Carlo Bergonzi, John Wustman

7. O Primavera for voice & piano (or orchestra)
Composed by Pietro Adolfo Tirindelli
with Carlo Bergonzi, John Wustman

8. Occhi di fata, for voice & piano (or orchestra)
Composed by Luigi Denza
with Carlo Bergonzi, John Wustman

9. La promessa ("Ch’io mai vi possa"), song for voice & piano (Soir閑s musicales)
Composed by Gioachino Rossini
with Carlo Bergonzi, John Wustman

10. Serenata, for voice & piano (or orchestra)
Composed by Pietro Mascagni
with Carlo Bergonzi, John Wustman

11. Tormento for voice & piano/orchestra
Composed by Francesco Paolo Tosti
with Carlo Bergonzi, John Wustman

12. Canzoni d’Amaranta (4) for voice & piano, No. 2, "L’alba separa dalla luce l’ombra"
Composed by Francesco Paolo Tosti
with Carlo Bergonzi, John Wustman

13. Ideale for voice & piano (or orchestra)
Composed by Francesco Paolo Tosti
with Carlo Bergonzi, John Wustman

14. Lolita, serenata spagnola for voice & orchestra
Composed by Arturo Buzzi-Peccia
with Carlo Bergonzi, John Wustman

15. Non ti scordar di me, for voice & orchestra (& chorus ad lib)
Composed by Ernesto de Curtis
with Carlo Bergonzi, John Wustman

16. Soir閑s musicales, song collection for voices & piano La danza
Composed by Gioachino Rossini
with Carlo Bergonzi, John Wustman

17. Edgar, opera Orgia, chimera dall’occhio vitreo
Composed by Giacomo Puccini
Performed by New York Opera Orchestra with Carlo Bergonzi
Conducted by Eve Queler

This album is quite simply put, exquisite! Bergonzi shows in this collection that even late in his career he could still produce that wonderful lyric beauty he was so famous for. My favorite song on this abum Donaudy’s "Vaghissima sembianza" is so perfect, so shimmering, just so very beautiful. This song is worth the price of the album itself. Bergonzi’s stylings on de Curtis’ "Non ti scordar di me" will send one back to the recording of Beniamino Gigli, and favorably so. Begonzi also demonstrates a musicianship on this album that is second to none. Bergonzi was truly a "class act". This is one of the most beautiful, most perfect Neapolitan collections ever. This CD is a must have for lovers of Bergonzi, for lovers of Neapolitan songs, or just lovers of perfect singing!!

I love this CD and recommend it to anyone who loves opera and clear, beautiful singing. The variety of songs ranges from meltingly romantic to playful and flippant. My Italian is not very good but his diction is so perfect I feel like I understand every word. Bergonzi’s big, athletic voice gives the illusion of being barely under control. But of course it is under complete contol, never bellowing. John Wustman’s supple, slender accompaniment is perfect, each introduction whets the listener’s appetite for the song, which he then gently frames and supports. He does get to shine on "La Daza". This would be a great CD for those new to opera and is worth it for "Vaga luna" alone!

This is a wonderful recording. Bergonzi’s musical understanding of these songs in unparalleled. Bergonzi brings the same kind of musical intelligence, attention to phrasing and dynamic shading to these songs as Wunderlich brought to lieder. Although his delivery is deeply emotional, it never yields to the sentimental. Bergonzi’s voice on this cd is perhaps past its prime (though some will contend that Bergonzi was always in his prime). Still it retains a rich timbre and evenness of tone, with plenty of power and a solid top resister to boot. However, in these songs Bergonzi is to be commended as much for his vocal restraint as for his power. Bergonzi is always sensitive to the graceful vocal line of the older songs on the cd, such as Vaga Luna and La Promessa, and his delivery of these songs is never crass or over-the-top. In this recording, as in many others, Bergonzi’s performances epitomize the art of singing.

I must admit I wasn’t a huge Bergonzi fan until I heard this album. I ’ve heard a few arias here and there of Bergonzi’s never being that impressed. This was the first album I purchased of Bergonzi’s and it was not my last. His technique of Neapolitan singing is all his own. He sings with full passion and power that include fire striking high notes and fantastic phrasing. Tosti’s "L’alba separa dalla luce lombra" is the best I have ever heard and that includes Di Stefano’s & Carreras’ versions. Only Pavarotti sings a better "Non ti scordar di me". His voice isn’t as "pretty" as Carreras’ or Pav’s, but it is pure Bergonzi! If you are a tenor fan, this album is a must!

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板凳上 幫"愛夢"mm聽 聲樂歌

似乎被 調教 薰陶下 越來越有氣質 還蠻愛聽了哦!!!

感謝牧歌班 送來的 義大利聲樂家的 美聲



我看BERGONZI挺受欢迎,就又捅上一张! 这张更正点一些! BERGONZI高音区的滑音很自然,令人很舒服!



Carlo Bergonzi卡罗.贝尔冈齐 Italian Songs-演唱的意大利歌曲


最初由 shipman2 发表

板凳上 幫"愛夢"mm聽 聲樂歌

似乎被 調教 薰陶下 越來越有氣質 還蠻愛聽了哦!!!

感謝牧歌班 送來的 義大利聲樂家的 美聲



MM太多了! 太多了用RAR压缩制成片剂,装在瓶里,揣在兜里。随时掏出来,五颜六色很好看。含在嘴里,等她融化----只溶在口,不溶在手。






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