[4/7/2009]【小号】Horst Fischer And Werner Müller《Golden Tr 激动社区,陪你一起慢慢变老! - 激动社区 - Powered by Discuz!NT

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[4/7/2009]【小号】Horst Fischer And Werner Müller《Golden Tr

[4/7/2009]【小号】Horst Fischer And Werner Müller《Golden Tr

【小号专辑】Horst Fischer And Werner Müller 1967年专辑《Golden Trumpet Hits》  (MP3 320K)

Among the present generation of young trumpet players there is unfortunately scarcely
anyone who knows that back in the fifties and sixties there was one trumpet player in
Germany  who was without a doubt one of the best in the world and could be compared with
such first-rate high-note artists as Maynard Ferguson or Bill Chase.

Horst Fischer was the star in most of the well-known German orchestras specializing in
light musical entertainment which, in those days, achieved a far  different level of 
popularity than nowadays. A child of the German Wirtschaftswunder, he was born and raised
in Chemnitz which he left in 1951 to become a member of Erwin Lehn's radio dance orchestra
in Stuttgart. There he soon featured as their soloist and lead trumpet player. There soon
followed one successful solo production after another with his own orchestra  and others,
for example, the legendary "River Song" with the orchestra of Willy Berking. After the time
spent with Erwin Lehn he had engagements between 1960 and 1969 as the soloist and lead
trumpeter of the RIAS Orchestra in Berlin under the direction of Werner Müller and then,
until 1971, as a soloist with Kurt Edelhagen in Cologne. From 1971 he was under contract
with the radio orchester in Zürich. In the fifties the American magazine Downbeat placed
him among the world's top trumpet players, but he nevertheless rejected an offer made by
Stan Kenton to join his  world-renowned band as  a solo and lead player and remained loyal
to the German orchestras.

On tours throughout Germany and abroad he was up until the late sixties still  the top
trumpet player, as shown during the legendary tours of Japan with Werner Müller.

Although as late as 1973 a highly praised LP recorded with the orchestra of Hans Bertram,
"Horst Fischer And His Golden Trumpet", was produced by Polydor, his popularity was noticebly
declining, and his alcohol problems were gradually undermining his vigour.

At the end of the seventies he returned from Switzerland and attempted to regain his footing
in German bands, but was not successful. In the last years of his life Horst Fischer lived in
the Cologne area. A musician of great talent, who in 1959 had already been awarded the golden
trumpet for the sale of over a million recordings had in the end just two people who remained
at his side, his fiancée and an unselfish friend.

Horst Fischer died at the age of just 55 years, completely forgotten by the world of music.

                                                                                              01 Edelweiss
                                                                                              02 Petite Fleur
                                                                                              03 Too-Ra-Loo-Ra-Loo-Ra
                                                                                              04 Island In The Sun
                                                                                              05 Hava Nagila
                                                                                              06 Michelle
                                                                                              07 La Montara
                                                                                              08 Three Coins In The Fountain
                                                                                              09 Elizabeth-Seranade
                                                                                              10 My Yiddishe Momme
                                                                                              11 La Golondrina
                                                                                              12 Yesterday


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您现在欣赏试听的曲目:01 Edelweiss



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回复:[4/7/2009]【小号】Horst Fischer And Werner Müller...

娃哈哈,快赶不上蓝版的动力车组了,五月只顾卖沙发去了,俺 先坐上沙发欣赏
本论坛音频仅供网友试听之用 勿作商用 专辑版权归唱片公司所有     
特别提示:社区VIP版块资源 只有音乐精灵级别网友回复可见下载链接

音乐无限    我爱音乐    感谢音乐

回复: [4/7/2009]【小号】Horst Fischer And Werner Müller...

原帖由 e213 于 2009-7-4 12:01:00 发表
娃哈哈,快赶不上蓝版的动力车组了,五月只顾卖沙发去了,俺 先坐上沙发欣赏 

哈哈 我也赶不上了 果然是动力车组阿 就是一个字 快

既然是卖沙发的 坐沙发要收费的哈  兰版版家的沙发我都统一收购了哈



回复:[4/7/2009]【小号】Horst Fischer And Werner Müller...


回复:[4/7/2009]【小号】Horst Fischer And Werner Müller...


回复:[4/7/2009]【小号】Horst Fischer And Werner Müller...


回复:[4/7/2009]【小号】Horst Fischer And Werner Müller...

都是經典的曲 由小號來演奏一定好聽 緩沖就慢等了 謝謝BLUE班
由於百度網盤 對於台灣網友與對岸限制 以至於過去的鏈結不見 深感抱歉!!!
*** 上傳的文件 若失效就不再傳了 所以......***

回复:[4/7/2009]【小号】Horst Fischer And Werner Müller...


回复:[4/7/2009]【小号】Horst Fischer And Werner Müller...


回复:[4/7/2009]【小号】Horst Fischer And Werner Müller...

感动, 感恩, 祝福.
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