[6/3/2009]【新世纪音乐】Llewellyn与Juliana合作专辑《Woman Wisdom》 激动社区,陪你一起慢慢变老! - 激动社区 - Powered by Discuz!NT

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[6/3/2009]【新世纪音乐】Llewellyn与Juliana合作专辑《Woman Wisdom》

[6/3/2009]【新世纪音乐】Llewellyn与Juliana合作专辑《Woman Wisdom》

【新世纪音乐】Llewellyn卢埃林与Juliana茱丽·安娜2002年合作专辑《Woman Wisdom 智慧女神》  (MP3 320K)

专辑名称:Woman Wisdom 智慧女神
艺 术 家:Juliana
音乐风格:New Age/Celtic
出版厂牌:New World Music
出版时间:June 25, 2002
添加时间:2007-10-07 16:09:25

Music of magical beauty combining the heenly vocals of Juliana and the ethereal
musical mastery of Llewellyn. Juliana is rapidly becoming one of the finest new age
singers since Enya with her pristine harmonies and pure angelic tone. Woman Wisdom
features personal songs about spirit guides, guardian angels, healing crystals,
animals, self-belief, and includes fourite myths and legends about the Celts and
Mermaids. It also features a version of the Enya classic Marble Halls. Woman Wisdom
is a personal spiritual journey that hopefully reawakens through music and voice, a
little wisdom that is inside all of us.

Juliana has guested on many well known recording artist's albums including Llewellyn,
Terry Oldfield's 'Across the Universe' and the Number One New Age Album 'Comet' by
Medwyn Goodall.

"Stunning vocals..Woman Wisdom is a great example of Juliana's rare and wonderful
talent" Terry Oldfield

My soul mate, Llewellyn, and myself are great believers in the spiritual wisdom that
is passed on through myths and legends. Storytelling has occupied a seminal position in
many cultures and its purpose is to both instruct and entertain. It was not just a spoken
art but also communicated via the emotion and energy of singing and playing instruments

This album is about my own spiritual journey that started several years ago and hopefully
reawakens through music and voice, a little wisdom that is inside all of us and not just
women. It is an album that features personal songs about spirit guides, guardian angels,
healing crystals, animals, self-belief, and includes fourite myths and legends about the
Celts and Mermaids.

Reverence for animals and Mother Earth is a strong theme that runs throughout the legends
of Native American Indians. Therefore it came as no surprise to learn that I he a Native
American spirit guide. A close spiritual friend said his name was 'Runs with the Wind' and
described him as being old and wise with great knowledge and understanding.

He is not always around me all the time but will often lee a white feather to symbolise
his return or going away from me. And as the lyrics to the song sing, "....when he comes
as a guide from heen, I can feel his special love returning to me"

juliana凭借和谐纯洁天使般的声音迅速窜红,是继著名歌手enya之后最优秀的New Age歌手之一。


                                                                                              01 Runs With The Wind
                                                                                              02 Arianna
                                                                                              03 Marble Halls
                                                                                              04 Sacred Lake
                                                                                              05 Mermaids
                                                                                              06 Woman Wisdom
                                                                                              07 Lapis Heart
                                                                                              08 Guardian Angel
                                                                                              09 Wonders Of Life


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您现在欣赏试听的曲目:06 Woman Wisdom



英国新世纪音乐大师Llewellyn 卢埃林相关专辑地址索引

2000年《Moonlore 月球知识》

《Mysts Of Avalon 阿瓦隆的迷雾》

2006年专辑《FaerieLore 精灵之道》

2003年《Sacred Circles 神圣轮回》

《Crystal Angels 水晶天使》

2001年专辑《Music For Lovers》

1997年专辑《A Place to Dream》

1998年专辑《Spirit Of The Wolf 狼的精神》

1999年专辑《Celtic Legend 凯尔特的传说》

2003年专辑《Journey To The Faeries 仙境》

Kevin Kendle & Llewellyn 2006年专辑《Journey to Atlantis 追寻亚特兰蒂斯》

Llewellyn与凯尔特天籁女声Juliana 1996年专辑《Moon Child 月亮之子》

1998年专辑《Silver Stream 银色小溪》

2004年专辑《Journey To Our Dreams 梦幻之旅》

1998年专辑《Lady Of The Lake 湖畔少女》

Llewellyn & Juliana《Earth Angel 大地天使》

1998年专辑《Sacred Woman 圣女》

1998年专辑《The Lost Valley 失落的山谷》

2001年专辑《Andean Spirit 安第斯山脉之神》

1999年专辑《Aromatherapy:The Mind Body And Soul Series》

1998年专辑《To Dream Of Pegasus 梦见天马》

1999年专辑《Colour Healing》


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回复:[6/3/2009]【新世纪音乐】Llewellyn与Juliana合作专辑《Woman Wisdo...

歌聲柔美  音樂流暢  謝謝分享這般天籟

回复: [6/3/2009]【新世纪音乐】Llewellyn与Juliana合作专辑《Woman Wisdo...


心灵的灯 在寂静中光明 在热闹中熄灭......

回复:[6/3/2009]【新世纪音乐】Llewellyn与Juliana合作专辑《Woman Wisdo...


回复:[6/3/2009]【新世纪音乐】Llewellyn与Juliana合作专辑《Woman Wisdo...


回复:[6/3/2009]【新世纪音乐】Llewellyn与Juliana合作专辑《Woman Wisdo...


回复:[6/3/2009]【新世纪音乐】Llewellyn与Juliana合作专辑《Woman Wisdo...

I like to collect this one and listen it.

回复:[6/3/2009]【新世纪音乐】Llewellyn与Juliana合作专辑《Woman Wisdo...


回复:[6/3/2009]【新世纪音乐】Llewellyn与Juliana合作专辑《Woman Wisdo...


回复:[6/3/2009]【新世纪音乐】Llewellyn与Juliana合作专辑《Woman Wisdo...

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