[30/7/2008]Diane Arkenstone & David Arkenstone《Echoes Of 激动社区,陪你一起慢慢变老! - 激动社区 - Powered by Discuz!NT

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[30/7/2008]Diane Arkenstone & David Arkenstone《Echoes Of

[30/7/2008]Diane Arkenstone & David Arkenstone《Echoes Of

【新世纪音乐专辑】Diane Arkenstone & David Arkenstone新世纪音乐专辑《Echoes Of Egypt 埃及的回声》  (MP3 320K)

艺术家:Diane Arkenstone & David Arkenstone
专辑名称:Echoes Of Egypt
音乐类型:New Age
Time: 62:05

Diane Arkenstone and David Arkentsone bring a variety of musical influences,
from opera to punk, to this album and create pulsating and soothing music as
heard on their respective solo albums. ECHOES OF EGYPT is part of the Adventure
Cargo series released by Diane's label, Neo-Pacifica.

Echoes of Egypt By: Diane and David Arkenstone. Echoes of Egypt, the third
release in the Adventure Cargo series from Diane and David Arkenstone, is a
musical journey to the cradle of civilization. Five expansive tracks featuring
exotic instruments and percussion bring forth the wonder, mystery and rhythms
of ancient Egypt. The listener will be entranced by the melodies and textures
of these evocative sound paintings. Adventure Cargo takes you on a brand new
journey across the most picturesque landscapes of the world. Diane and David
Arkenstone have produced a musical tour guide, courting you in innovative new
directions beginning with African Skies, Spirits of the Rainforest and Echoes
of Egypt.

                                                                                    01 Secret Chamber (14:44)
                                                                                    02 River And The Sun (14:39)
                                                                                    03 Seduction (05:52)
                                                                                    04 Temple Of Isis (14:33) 
                                                                                    05 Across The Sands Of Time (12:09)


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您现在欣赏试听的曲目:03 Seduction



David Arkenstone戴维·阿肯斯通相关专辑地址索引

《Spirit Of Tibet 西藏的精神》

《Valley In The Clouds 云之谷》

《Jewel In The Sun 太阳宝石》

《Aquaria:A Liquid Blue Trancescape 水下王国》

1998年专辑《Eternal Champion》

《Enchantment:A Magical Christmas 魔力圣诞》

《Island 岛屿》

《Sketches From an American Journey》

1992年专辑《The Spirit of Olympia》

1999年专辑《Citizen of the World 世界的公民》

1996年专辑《Troika I - Goddess 女神》

1998年专辑《Lands of Lore Soundtrack:Guardians of Destiny》

2001年专辑《Reflections From The Wine Country 葡萄酒乡的印象》

2008年新专辑《Echoes of Light and Shadow》

1998年专辑《Himalayan Passage 喜马拉雅密道》

2002年专辑《Sketches from an American Journey 美国之旅速写》

1995年专辑《Quest Of The Dream Warrior 寻找梦中的勇士》

1998年专辑《The Celtic Book Of Days 拥抱凯尔特》

2008年专辑《Echoes of Light and Shadow 光影弄色 空谷回音》

2008年专辑《Be Thou My Vision-Celtic Hymns 凯尔特赞美诗》

David & Diane Arkenstone夫妇《Trance World 着迷》

◆◆◆ 本专辑仅供试听,非商业用途,如果您喜欢,请购买正版CD ◆◆◆

最后编辑blue_love 最后编辑于 2009-01-08 10:31:24

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回复:[30/7/2008]Diane Arkenstone & David Arkenstone...

David Arkenstone戴维·阿肯斯的音乐很有特色!十足的异域风情!

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回复:[30/7/2008]Diane Arkenstone & David Arkenstone...


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