美国新世纪音乐家David Wahler大卫·瓦勒尔5首目前最新出版发行单曲-Heaven's Sho 激动社区,陪你一起慢慢变老! - 激动社区 - Powered by Discuz!NT

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美国新世纪音乐家David Wahler大卫·瓦勒尔5首目前最新出版发行单曲-Heaven's Sho

美国新世纪音乐家David Wahler大卫·瓦勒尔5首目前最新出版发行单曲-Heaven's Shores等 [flac无损 BD]

美国新世纪电子键盘音乐家-David Wahler (大卫·瓦勒尔)2018~2023年至今5首目前最新出版发行单曲-Heaven's Shores / Il Addio - The Farewell / Come / Just A Thought / Blue Rose / Soliloquy / Once Upon Another Time [flac无损 BD]
David Wahler(大卫·瓦勒尔)其他5张专辑作品(第一张 Antiquus(2009年5月18日)、第二张 A Star Danced(2010年2月20日)、第三张 Secret Dreams(2012年10月29日)、第五张 Becoming Bliss: One Hour Series(2016年6月20日)、第六张 Mosaic(2018年2月15日))无损资源下载索引处:http://www.52jdyy.com/showtopic-2557116.htm
2015年2月15日出版发行第四张个人录音室新世纪音乐专辑 - Spiritus:http://www.52jdyy.com/showtopic-2570714.htm
2018年11月9日出版发行圣诞节EP第七张个人录音室新世纪音乐专辑 - Christmas at Home:http://www.52jdyy.com/showtopic-2570693.htm
2019年8月30日出版发行第八张个人录音室新世纪音乐专辑 - Two Hearts:http://www.52jdyy.com/showtopic-2570720.htm
2021年1月8日出版发行第九张个人录音室新世纪音乐专辑 - Currents:http://www.52jdyy.com/showtopic-2570727.htm
2022年6月10日出版发行第十张个人录音室新世纪音乐专辑 - Collection:http://www.52jdyy.com/showtopic-2570728.htm

单曲名称1:Heaven's Shores (天堂的海滨)
单曲艺人:David Wahler (大卫·瓦勒尔)
专辑类型:单曲 (Single)
音乐流派:新世纪音乐 (New Age)
音乐类型:纯音乐 (Pure Music) / 轻音乐 (Easy Listening)
发行公司:David Wahler

单曲名称2:Il Addio - The Farewell (告别)

单曲名称3:Come (到来)

单曲名称4:Just A Thought (只是一个想法)

单曲名称5:Blue Rose (蓝色玫瑰)

单曲名称6:Soliloquy (独白)

单曲名称7:Once Upon Another Time (另一个从前)

单曲名称8:Little Sparrow (小麻雀)

In "Heaven's Shores", David Wahler evokes a neo-classical style to paint a soundscape of hope and human acceptance. Knowing that we all rest with a final fate, why not treat our fellow humans with love, acceptance and peace during our stay on this transitory realm? With never-ending waves, birds and sea creatures, we are reminded that although life continues after we are gone, what we rise up to now continues in our souls after our departure.

"II Addio - The Farewell" is a song of plaintive emotions, centering on the goodbyes in life: the dissolution of a relationship, the loss of a loved one, the metaphysical end of this worldly plane and voyage to the astral. Evoking classical elements (chord structure, rhythm) and pairing the evocative and plaintive sounds of cello. Il Addio takes the listener on myriad journeys and emotions.

"Come" is a deeply personal song that deals with the thresholds of life.  Many times we hesitate at a turning point that seemed an impossible obstacle at the time. Looking back proves that pushing ahead (fueled by fear) was a catalyst for growth.

"Just a Thought" is a gorgeous new single from pianist/composer David Wahler, one of my favorites since 2009 when I reviewed his debut album, Antiquus. Piano and keyboards create an atmosphere of gentle warmth while enveloping the listener in soothing, relaxing sounds that uplift the spirit while restoring feelings of optimism and hope. More ambient than melodic, it really is amazing how much a little more than three minutes of wonderful music can refresh both the body and the mind.

"Blue Rose" is a gorgeous instrumental single by David Wahler and has one of the most stunning album covers I've seen in awhile! One of my favorite artists over the past four years or so, new music from David never disappoints. "Blue Rose" is slow, smooth and graceful, and David has said that he had a lot of fun creating it. Recorded with synths and keyboards, the instrumentation includes bell-like tones, strings, a gentle rhythm, and soothing background voices (no lyrics). I have to admit that I sat down to write this review feeling more than a little bit stressed, and after several repeats of this beautiful piece, the knot in the back of my neck is gone and I feel much better. Thank you, David!

A blue rose is deeply symbolic. It has been known to symbolize mystery, secrecy and as a reward when you have achieved the impossible. David Wahler’s new single captures all of a blue rose’s symbolism and adds a generous touch of his unique melodic pixie dust. Blue Rose is a phenomenal single that becomes personal and meaningful from the very first listen. That is, in my opinion, as rare as a blue rose.
BT Fasmer, New Age Music Guide

David Wahler (大卫·瓦勒尔)个人官方网站:https://www.davidwahler.com/

试听曲目1:Blue Rose 3:53
试听曲目2:Soliloquy 5:44


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最后编辑SkyLight 最后编辑于 2023-09-21 09:40:37

回复: 美国新世纪音乐家David Wahler大卫·瓦勒尔5首目前最新出版发行单曲 [flac无...

最后编辑SkyLight 最后编辑于 2023-09-21 09:46:01

回复:美国新世纪音乐家David Wahler大卫·瓦勒尔5首目前最新出版发行单曲-Heaven...


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回复:美国新世纪音乐家David Wahler大卫·瓦勒尔5首目前最新出版发行单曲-Heaven...

今天再补充了下他8月11日和9月1日发行的Soliloquy和Once Upon Another Time以及Little Sparrow这三首新单曲,希望大家可以再次查收下~
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