Pink Martini & The Von Trapps - Dream a Little Dream(201 激动社区,陪你一起慢慢变老! - 激动社区 - Powered by Discuz!NT

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Pink Martini & The Von Trapps - Dream a Little Dream(201

Pink Martini & The Von Trapps - Dream a Little Dream(2014)FL

Pink Martini & The Von Trapps - Dream a Little Dream (2014)

Artist: Pink Martini & The Von Trapps
Title Of Album: Dream a Little Dream
Year Of Release: 2014
Label: Heinz Records
Genre: Pop, Easy Listening, World, Jazz
Quality: Flac
Bitrate: Lossless
Total Time: 48:28 Min
Total Size: 284 Mb

At the time of Dream a Little Dream's release, the von Trapp family was more newsworthy than it had been in a while: The Sound of Music Live!, a television adaptation of Rodgers & Hammerstein's musical, was a ratings success when it aired in December 2013. More poignantly, Maria von Trapp, the last surviving member of the original Trapp Family Singers, passed in February 2014 at age 99. On this collaboration with Pink Martini, Sofie, Melanie, Amanda, and August von Trapp — the great-grandchildren of the von Trapps immortalized in The Sound of Music — continue the family tradition with beautifully harmonized versions of songs ranging from Johannes Brahms' "In Stiller Nacht" to the national anthem of Rwanda, "Rwanda Nziza." Working with Pink Martini was an inspired choice, as they almost always bring out the best in their collaborators — along with the unexpected, like "Kuroneko No Tango," a version of the Italian song "Black Cat Tango" inspired by Japanese singer Osamu Minagawa's 1969 rendition. The group sounds just as natural backing the von Trapps as they do working with their usual vocalists, and Dream a Little Dream bears the same mix of kitsch and sublime beauty as one of Pink Martini's own albums. "Die Dorfmusik" sounds like it could have strolled in from The Lawrence Welk Show, while the version of ABBA's "Fernando" sounds like it came from a Swedish Carnaval parade thanks to the involvement of the Lions of Batucada. The inevitable Sound of Music inclusions are handled in a similarly playful fashion, with Wayne Newton taking the lead on "The Lonely Goatherd" and Charmian Carr (who portrayed Liesl in the film of the musical) joining the von Trapps for a sweet version of "Edelweiss" that recalls Pink Martini's work with Phyllis Diller on their previous album, Get Happy. The von Trapps balance Dream a Little Dream's quaint and quirky moments with more contemporary-sounding tracks, three of which were penned by August. "Storm" and "Friend" recall '60s folk in their acoustic earnestness, and the Chieftains give the closing track, "Thunder," a pretty, if somewhat out of place, Celtic twist. As is often the case with Pink Martini's albums, the most intimate moments here are among the best. A softer-than-soft rendition of Chitty Chitty Bang Bang's "Hushabye Mountain" captures the exquisite poignancy of vintage children's music, while the delicate "Le Premier Bonheur du Jour" and a starlit version of the album's title track cast a similar spell. Ultimately, Dream a Little Dream is an entertaining blend of both parties' strengths, showcasing Pink Martini's globetrotting pop and introducing the next generation of von Trapp music.


1. Storm
2. Kuroneko no tango
3. Dream a Little Dream
4. Fernando
5. Hayaldah hachi yafa bagan
6. Friend
7. Die Dorfmusik
8. In stiller Nacht
9. Le premier bonheur du jour
10. Rwanda nziza
11. Gongxi
12. Hushabye Mountain
13. Lonely Goatherd (featuring Wayne Newton and Jack Hanna)
14. Edelweiss (featuring Charmian Carr)
15. Thunder (featuring the Chieftains)


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2. Kuroneko no tango & 11. Gongxi



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回复: Pink Martini & The Von Trapps - Dream a Little...

音乐之声合唱团 The von Trapps

他们是电影《音乐之声》主人公原型的后代,与Justin Bieber与亚瑟小子师出同门,著名《奥普拉脱口秀》的座上嘉宾,影星奥兰多•布鲁姆是他们的超级粉丝。
成员:Justin /Amanda /Melanie /Sofia von Trapp


事实上,这个故事并非童话,而是来自于现实。如影片中所描述的一样,玛莉亚∙冯崔普原本在本笃会的侬柏格修道院担任实习修女,1926年因健康问题被院长送到盖尔∙冯崔普爵士(Georg Ritter von Trapp)家修养,兼任爵士长女的看护。之后玛莉亚与爵士坠入情网,于1927年结为连理。1930年代受到经济大恐慌影响,于是他和玛莉亚带领七个孩子组成乐团进行职业演唱,并于 1936 年萨尔斯堡音乐节上赢得首奖。1938 年,为了躲避追捕,他们以露营的名义搭乘火车穿越阿尔卑斯山来到意大利,并在1939年战火扩散之际移居美国。当全家人抵达美国时已是穷困潦倒,爵士和玛莉亚凭借着顽强的意志力,带领合唱团在全美巡演,最终得以在佛蒙特州一处好似家乡的地方购得房产,并在此开始了全新的旅美生活。


世界载誉 曾被卢旺达总统赏赐母牛

作为唯一具有独特家庭性的合唱团体,音乐之声质朴的歌声、和谐的旋律被越来越多来自世界各地的音乐家和观众们所赞赏。因此他们经常受邀与知名交响乐团合作,如波士顿通俗交响乐团、亚特兰大、底特律、辛辛那提等城市的交响乐团合作演出,他们在世界各地进行巡演,并在世界上最具影响力的剧院悉尼歌剧院献唱。同时,他们也为多家广播公司进行录音,如美国全国广播公司(NBC)、福克斯(Fox News)、早安美国(ABC)、哥伦比亚广播公司(CBS)。而诸如《纽约时报》、《生活》、《好管家》、美联社、路透社等关于他们的报道更是誉满全球。他们还曾为美国前第一夫人劳拉•布什、英国前首相首相戈登•布朗、奥地利总统及卢旺达总统演出过。

美国王牌音乐人助阵 无伴奏清唱演绎完美人声
此次,音乐之声合唱团除了演唱《音乐之声》的经典歌曲《哆来咪》、《雪绒花》、《我最爱的事》、《晚安曲》、《攀越群山》外,还将用奥地利传统的发声方法约德尔调为中国观众带来最正宗的《孤独的牧羊人》,这是一种速度较快、且在真假声中自然变换的唱法,模仿阿尔卑斯牧人呼唤羊群和牛群的号角和叫声。此外,Justin Bieber、Usher和萨顶顶的声乐老师——美国金牌音乐人詹•史密斯 (Jan Smith)也将亲自为此次中国巡演助阵,为音乐之声合唱团苦排无伴奏清唱的完美人声,同时乐团也将大秀中文水平,用普通话演唱他们心中最爱的中文歌曲。


回复: Pink Martini & The Von Trapps - Dream a Little...

乐队的领导者、艺术指导和创建者Thomas Lauderdale解释道。

一个来自美国 oregon 奥瑞冈州 Portland 波特兰市,拥有十四名团员的沙龙音乐团,没有国际唱片公司的庞大预算撑腰,却在竞争激烈的法国单曲排行榜上夺下第十七名的佳绩,并且入围法国乐坛大奖『Les Victoires de la Musique』『音乐之光音乐奖』的『年度最佳歌曲』以及『最佳新人奖』,并且夺得白金唱片,他们是 Pink Martini 红粉马汀尼!

红粉马丁尼Pink Martini于1994年成立于美国波特兰,是钢琴手Thomas M. Lauderdale组建了它。由14位顶尖音乐好手所组成,包括人声、弦乐、管乐与打击乐器群;他们展现出的乐风是多元且国际化的!其音乐风格揉合爵士乐、古典乐及古巴音乐,让乐迷在聆赏的同时,仿佛置身于欧洲音乐厅、美国电影院与南美酒吧的微醺中!


Pink Martini这支多元的、富有天赋的、非常有趣的——被纽约客称作“美丽的”、“成熟的”、“令人兴奋异常的”乐队。

回复:Pink Martini & The Von Trapps - Dream a Little...

这张Pink Martini最新专辑是与音乐之声合唱团 The von Trapps合作的。试听两首,第二首是中国歌曲,大家可以听听

2009年专辑《Splendor In The Grass》

2004年专辑《Hang On Little Tomato》


2007年专辑《Hey Eugene》

今天这张是FLAC  标题容不下了
最后编辑kate 最后编辑于 2014-07-06 21:22:00

回复:Pink Martini & The Von Trapps - Dream a Little...

  呵呵... 很久没听到这首黑猫探戈了,刘家昌翻唱过的,谢谢凯蒂推介这么特别的合唱团 !

最后编辑lkk001 最后编辑于 2014-07-07 11:27:18

回复:Pink Martini & The Von Trapps - Dream a Little...

kate妳提早過年ㄚ 恭喜恭喜 哈~~~
由於百度網盤 對於台灣網友與對岸限制 以至於過去的鏈結不見 深感抱歉!!!
*** 上傳的文件 若失效就不再傳了 所以......***

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回复:Pink Martini & The Von Trapps - Dream a Little...

美妙的音乐 令人回味无穷

回复: Pink Martini & The Von Trapps - Dream a Little...

原帖由 e213 于 2014-7-7 10:56:00 发表

小屹好  是啊  终于放假了!

回复: Pink Martini & The Von Trapps - Dream a Little...

原帖由 lkk001 于 2014-7-7 1:17:00 发表
  呵呵... 很久没听到这首黑猫探戈了,刘家昌翻唱过的,谢谢凯蒂推介这么特别的合唱团 !

第一首试听的探戈听过多种版本  纯乐的歌唱的 我也都做过试听  就是没听过刘家昌的呢
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