[7/4/2009]『一首歌就能把你征服』轻松R&B系列之⒎【Fairy Tale】无法抗拒 激动社区,陪你一起慢慢变老! - 激动社区 - Powered by Discuz!NT

激动社区爱乐之城 · 一曲倾心外语单曲 [7/4/2009]『一首歌就能把你征服』轻松R&B系列之⒎【Fairy Tale】无法抗拒

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[7/4/2009]『一首歌就能把你征服』轻松R&B系列之⒎【Fairy Tale】无法抗拒

[7/4/2009]『一首歌就能把你征服』轻松R&B系列之⒎【Fairy Tale】无法抗拒

And if I was wrong, I know I don’t deserve this 如果我做错了,我不配得到这些
Don’t stay too long, I need to hear those words you use to tell me
From way back when we were just friends 当我们还是朋友的时候
Before this love affair began 在这场恋爱开始之前
Tell me how I love you wins 告诉我为什么一句我爱你就战胜了一切
Or how a broken heart can mend 但是破碎的心要如何去修补
Just tell me this is not the end 请告诉我这一切还没有结束
Please tell me now 现在就告诉我
How the fairy tale begins 告诉我这个童话是怎样开始的
Or how it was supposed to end 而它又是如何结束的
Please tell me that part again 就请告诉我这一段
Now tell me what’s wring, I never meant to hurt you, no baby, ooh
现在请告诉我做错了什么,我不是故意要伤害你 亲爱的
Was it the home, the car, or darling all those things we thought we Needed
Tell me even if it ain’t true 就算这不是真的你也要告诉我
But baby please don’t say we’re through 但是亲爱的 永远不要说我们结束了
Tell me how I love you wins 告诉我为什么一句我爱你就战胜了一切
Or how a broken heart can mend 但是破碎的心要如何去修补
Just tell me this is not the end 请告诉我这一切还没有结束
Please tell me now 现在就告诉我
How the fairy tale begins 告诉我这个童话是怎样开始的
Or how it was supposed to end 而它又是如何结束的
Please tell me that part again 就请告诉我这一段
I wanna know that feelin’ that’s from way back 我想知道曾经的那种感觉
A time when it was true that, love was sweet and innocent 当我们的爱还很美好很纯真的时候
When you and I could still be friends 当我们还是朋友
Make all the wrong be right again 把所有的错都变成对的
Where true love never has to end 这样真爱就永远不会结束
Tell me how I love you wins 告诉我为什么一句我爱你就战胜了一切
Or how a broken heart can mend 但是破碎的心要如何去修补
Just tell me this is not the end 请告诉我这一切还没有结束
Please tell me now 现在就告诉我
How the fairy tale begins 告诉我这个童话是怎样开始的
Or how it was supposed to end 而它又是如何结束的
Please tell me that part again 就请告诉我这一段

Fairy Tale翻译过来是:童话还是谎言?只有大家细细品位这首歌后才知道。我深深的被这首歌所打动,也许是里面淡淡的忧伤而不失旋律的节奏所感染,若你是个容易感伤的人,就请带上耳机静静的聆听这首心碎的歌声。




回复:[7/4/2009]『一首歌就能把你征服』轻松R&B系列之⒎【Fairy Tale】无法抗拒...


回复:[7/4/2009]『一首歌就能把你征服』轻松R&B系列之⒎【Fairy Tale】无法抗拒...

谢谢loveqinqin... ...

回复:[7/4/2009]『一首歌就能把你征服』轻松R&B系列之⒎【Fairy Tale】无法抗拒...


回复:[7/4/2009]『一首歌就能把你征服』轻松R&B系列之⒎【Fairy Tale】无法抗拒...


回复:[7/4/2009]『一首歌就能把你征服』轻松R&B系列之⒎【Fairy Tale】无法抗拒...


回复:[7/4/2009]『一首歌就能把你征服』轻松R&B系列之⒎【Fairy Tale】无法抗拒...

谢谢loveqinqin... ...

回复:[7/4/2009]『一首歌就能把你征服』轻松R&B系列之⒎【Fairy Tale】无法抗拒...


回复:[7/4/2009]『一首歌就能把你征服』轻松R&B系列之⒎【Fairy Tale】无法抗拒...


回复:[7/4/2009]『一首歌就能把你征服』轻松R&B系列之⒎【Fairy Tale】无法抗拒...

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