[14/3/2009]360度环绕HI-FI River of babyon(巴比伦河 ) 激动社区,陪你一起慢慢变老! - 激动社区 - Powered by Discuz!NT

激动社区爱乐之城 · 一曲倾心外语单曲 [14/3/2009]360度环绕HI-FI River of babyon(巴比伦河 )

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[14/3/2009]360度环绕HI-FI River of babyon(巴比伦河 )

[14/3/2009]360度环绕HI-FI River of babyon(巴比伦河 )

the river of babylon 
by the rivers of babylon. 
there we sat down yeah we wept. 
when we remembered zion. 
by the rivers of babylon. 
there we sat down yeah we wept. 
when we remembered zion.
for there they that carried us away in captivity. 
requiring of us a song. 
now how shall we sing the lord’s song. 
in a strange land. 
for there they that. 
carried us away in captivity. 
requiring of us a song 
now how shall we sing. 
the lord’s song in a stranger land. 
let the words of our mouths. 
and the meditathons of our hearts. 
be acceptable in the sight here tonight. 
let the words of our mouths. 
and the meditathons of our hearts. 
be acceptable in the sight here tonight. 
by the rivers of babylon. 
there we sat down yeah we wept
when we remembered zion. 
by the rivers of babylon. 
there we sat down. yeah we wept. 
when we remembered zion 
ah…ah ah… ah. 
by the rivers of babylon. 
there we sat down yeah we wept. 
when we remembered zion. 
by the rivers of babylon. 
there we sat down yeah we wept




回复:[14/3/2009]360度环绕HI-FI River of babyon(巴比伦河 )

嗯 擲身在360度在音樂室內  老歌River of babyon一直是讓大家喜歡的歌曲
謝謝 水晶俏MM 祝妳永遠俏
由於百度網盤 對於台灣網友與對岸限制 以至於過去的鏈結不見 深感抱歉!!!
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回复:[14/3/2009]360度环绕HI-FI River of babyon(巴比伦河 )

好听哦 多谢

回复:[14/3/2009]360度环绕HI-FI River of babyon(巴比伦河 )

鳥兄好像永遠是沙潑座首選咧 哈哈 謝謝版主如此深夜分享這睡不著的經典老牌舞曲

回复:[14/3/2009]360度环绕HI-FI River of babyon(巴比伦河 )

謝謝 水晶俏MM 祝妳永遠俏

回复: [14/3/2009]360度环绕HI-FI River of babyon(巴比伦河 )

原帖由 celtic3898 于 2009-3-15 1:15:00 发表
鳥兄好像永遠是沙潑座首選咧 哈哈 謝謝版主如此深夜分享這睡不著的經典老牌舞曲

celtic3898: 我那兄弟班沒來 我想要搶沙發 應該OK的  當然還輸一位 鍋啦
睡前再聽一次River of babyon 好聽
由於百度網盤 對於台灣網友與對岸限制 以至於過去的鏈結不見 深感抱歉!!!
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回复: [14/3/2009]360度环绕HI-FI River of babyon(巴比伦河 )


回复:[14/3/2009]360度环绕HI-FI River of babyon(巴比伦河 )


回复:[14/3/2009]360度环绕HI-FI River of babyon(巴比伦河 )


回复:[14/3/2009]360度环绕HI-FI River of babyon(巴比伦河 )

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